How To Manual Refresh On Mac

IOS/Android Devices – How to manually sync to refresh Intune policies iOS and Android devices come to Intune management via an application called Intune company portal. Hence, Intune company portal app is the place where you can go and check for changed Intune policies.

Last update: May 2020
Applicable to: Outlook 365, 2019, 2016, 2013; Windows and macOS

  • Quick one, if you need to force a refresh or rebuild of the Microsoft Teams client cache on Windows or Mac, do the following: Quit Microsoft Teams Delete or rename the following directory/folder.
  • MacBook Pro (From $1,299 at Apple) How to reset Safari on a Mac. Resetting your Safari browser consists of several steps (like clearing your cache and history), rather than a simple button.

Here’s a question we got from a reader about her Microsoft Outlook client not showing new incoming emails automatically:

Unlike my when using my Google Mail account, it looks that my Microsoft Outlook 365 folders are not automatically updated with incoming email messages. It seems to me that any new email items are updated probably once in 15-20 minutes. I know that i can update Outlook by hitting F9 or use the Send/Receive All command. My question to you is how can i possibly set Outlook to automatically update its Inbox folder more often, if possible as often as Gmail does. If that’s not possible, can you explain how often mail check happens and how to refresh Outlook so that new inbox emails are shown as fast as possible?

If you ever used Microsoft Office Outlook as your PC e-mail client, you might have noticed some delay in your inbox refresh rate. Typically, it takes your incoming mail a bit more time to arrive when compared to web email services such as Yahoo Mail, GMail and Those typically auto update your inbox folder entries whenever new email hits your mailbox.

In today’s tutorial, i will show you how to make your Outlook inbox update automatically in shorter intervals so that the latest incoming messages are shown once they hit your server.

Outlook inbox auto-update on Windows

  • Open Outlook, and hit the Send/Receive button.
  • Click on Send/Receive Groups drop down box and Select Define Send/Receive Groups.

How To Refresh Macbook Air

  • Under All Accounts, Click on Schedule an Automatic Send/Receive every.
  • Change the Minutes value from 30to a smaller number. Note that setting this value to less than 5 min might lead to duplicated entries in your inbox.
  • After changing Close the Dialog box.
  • Now your Outlook inbox will automatically refresh every 10 minutes.

Increasing the refresh rate of all your Inboxes

  • In the Send/Receive Groups dialog (steps to open it explained beforehand), go to “Setting for group All Accounts
  • And then set the Schedule an automatic.. value to the required refresh rate. Again – beware the fact that too frequent updates could lead to duplicated Outlook email entries; which are generally time consuming to fix.

Auto-updating the Outlook calendar

To ensure your Outlook calendar is always up to date, proceed as following:

  • In the Send/Receive Groups dialog, hit the Edit button.
  • Then in the left hand side, ensure that your email account is marked.
  • Then under Folder Options ensure that your Calendar folder is marked.
  • Hit Apply.

Auto-update you Outlook global address / contact lists

  • Same as in the section above, just ensure that the Contacts folder is marked for auto sync.

Note: You can always trigger an update of your email folder by hitting F9.

Refresh email on Mac

If you are using Outlook on macOS to read your Gmail, Hotmail or Exchange email, you can shorten your Outlook folders synchronization interval, so that auto update processes will be enabled and launched more often.

Kindly proceed as following:

  1. Open Outlook for MAC
  2. In the left bar, you’ll note your GMail, Hotmail / or Exchange Account.
  3. Make a right click and select Account Settings.
  1. The Accounts dialog will appear, at the bottom right of the screen hit the Advanced button.
  2. Open the Server tab and set your sync interval accordingly as shown below – Note that for IMAP accounts (GMail and the minimum value is 2 minutes.

Note: for slower connections like cellular hot spots, you might want to consider to check the Download message headers only box.

  1. Hit OK.
  2. Close the Accounts dialog.
  3. You are all set 🙂

Manually update Outlook web app

A couple of readers asked whether there is a possibility to trigger an auto update of the web client inbox. I personally don’t think that’s needed as emails are updated automatically, in the same fashion that Gmail or other web clients are.

As with any web app, you can hit F5 to refresh your browser and update your unread email list.

The above is applicable also for Outlook OWA users, whom connect to their companies Exchange server via their web browser..

Additional Reader questions

Refresh Outlook manually

Couple of readers asked how to manually trigger an update of their mailboxes.

On Windows:
Update all Outlook folders:

This procedure will trigger a Send/Receive action on all Online and offline accounts (could be exchange, Hotmail/, Yahoo, GMail) that are setup in your Outlook.

Side Note: that you might as well define specific Accounts/Folders group and trigger an update on those specifically. For example – refresh only your private GMail account and not work Exchange during weekends.

  1. Open the Send/Receive tab.
  2. Hit the Send/Receive All folders button (or simply hit F9).
Update a specific folder:
  1. Open the Send/Receive tab.
  2. Hit the Update Folder button.
On macOS:
Refresh your entire mailbox:
  • Enter the Home tab.
  • Hit the Send & Receive button.
Update specific folder:
  • Open the Organize tab.
  • Hit the Sync Folder button.

Use VBA to refresh your mailbox

The method SyncObjects can be used in order to sync one or more Send/Receive groups for a specific user. In case you are interested in building a macro to automate your auto syncs, feel free to ping me via the contact page.

* * *

If you are reading this, chances are you spend quite a good chunk of your day at a Mac screen. With time, your Desktop gets filled with litter, background picture gets boring and something definitely needs a refreshment.

What if you could give your Desktop a new life, make it feel like a newly purchased customized computer? Productivity would go up, stress & distractions – down. You’d simply be a little happier.

So how do you make your Mac Desktop look cool & fresh again?
Let’s start with a few tips on how to clean up your Mac desktop and keep it tidy. Then we’ll add some juice and adjustments.

How to Give Your Mac Desktop a New Life

1. Built-In Clean Up

Start with the basics. Make your Desktop look better by using the built-in arrangement options (right click on a blank Desktop space).

Clean up Desktop items by name, kind, date, etc. as an instant one-time action or Sort by the desired parameter to keep it that way. If your Mac runs Mojave (macOS 10.14), you’re lucky to have an extra feature ­– Stacks – which automatically combines all Desktop content in neat stacks. In addition, you can customize the way your Desktop items are displayed via “Show View Options”.

2. Tidy It Up Yourself

You don’t really need all those screenshots, folders, aliases, (apps, God forbid) on your Desktop. It may seem handy to keep ‘em there, or maybe you just don’t bother. I get it. But it actually brings more disorder than convenience.

Probably no one will tell you exactly how to properly use a Mac Desktop. Though, it’s quite certain that you shouldn’t overload it with a ton of various items.

Thus, delete from the Desktop all the files you no longer need or ones you rarely use. When you think “Well, I might just need that pic some day in the future…” – think twice, then move it to the cozy place (a clearly named folder) you’ll assign for such items. Otherwise, Trash.

3. Put Everything Where It Belongs

Talking about cozy places. Obviously, your files will feel best where they’re meant to be – in the appropriate system folders. Pictures, Music, Documents and similar folders in Finder are what I mean here.

It’s also convenient to use tags for easier navigation and organization. Say, I tag my stuff from work in blue, current projects – purple, red for urgent tasks, and so on. Just don’t go too far with it and keep things simple.

Access your most used apps in Dock, less used ones – from Launchpad. You can also customize the Dock in “System Preferences > Dock”. For example, set the Dock to auto hide and you’ll free some Desktop space. In this case your Dock will show up only when you move your mouse to the Dock’s position on the screen.

4. Manage Menu Bar Icons

That narrow area on the top of our Mac screens seems small, still it’s very important. Mac menu bar can easily get overloaded with lots of different icons which make the entire screen look messy.

The thing is: there’s not much you can do in terms of manual menu bar clean up. While some apps offer an option not to show their icon in menu bar, others just don’t.

Lucky for us, there’s a great app exactly for that – Bartender. It will hide, rearrange, search and do some other nice things with your menu bar icons. A must-have for those who care about order in everything.

5. Organize It All Like a Pro

Now that we’ve done the clean-up, let’s try to keep it that way – nice & tidy.
Here are some classy apps that will help you.

Unclutter is doing great when you want to have your Desktop clean, uncluttered. Its Files panel is a lucky find for those in a need of a handy go-to place for often-used and temporary items.

Besides that, Unclutter has a clipboard manager and a simple notepad. Both will also help you stay tidy, organized and productive on your Mac.

In case you look for a thorough long-term Desktop cleanness, try Spotless. You can teach the app which files go where and the app will do the cleaning job for you.

When you set all the parameters, drag & drop items to a menu bar dropzone or schedule automatic clean-ups. Spotless will put specific types of Desktop files to the folders you’ve assigned.

Besides, you can do the same not only with Desktop but also with Downloads and other folders.

How To Refresh Your Mac

Magnet is a small tool with an ability to bend the Mac window arrangement to your will. Halve, trisect or quadrisect your screen, use every corner of the Desktop workspace. Arrange your windows with a mouse or your own keyboard shortcuts.

With Magnet, you’ll be able to work with up to 4 apps displayed at the same time. Your screen space potential will be used to its maximum and actions between apps will become even more convenient.

And if you’re against multitasking but a fan of the easiest solutions and ignoring problems, you’ll love HazeOver. OK, just kidding.

It’s actually a great tiny app which is there to dim the background behind your active window. Dead simple and still helps you be more focused on your main task, hence more productive.

6. Change Desktop Background

Now it’s time for some visual enhancements. 🌈

You might be surprised how refreshing it feels when you put a new wonderful wallpaper in place of your long-serving pre-installed background.

Yeah, it may sound obvious but some of us still employ that default wallpaper. Life is so bright and full of colors – why not to bring some to your Mac screen background?

Refresh Page Mac

There are lots of websites and apps with wallpapers. To simplify wallpaper seeking and not lose yourself in the process, we recommend an app which delivers splendid Ultra HD Mac backgrounds right to your Desktop.

It’s Wallpaper Wizard and it does the hard job for you. Just set your preferences of which collections you like, how often you want your wallpapers changed. And enjoy how eye-pleasing 4K images roll on your screen.

How to manual refresh on mac os

* * *

Bonus tip: try dynamic wallpapers. Recently those are gaining in popularity with the emergence of macOS Mojave. It already offers you 2 built-in dynamic “day-night” wallpapers. And you can find more of others here, here or here.

7. Customize Mac’s Color Palette

How about changing the overall appearance of your Mac?
The ability to select a Light or Dark Mac theme is among the benefits of the latest MacOS Mojave. You’ll find these 2 modes of appearance in General settings of System Preferences.

By the way, if you haven’t updated your macOS to Mojave, we strongly advise you do that (if your hardware allows you). That gives your Mac lots of nice new abilities. And it’s free.

Also, why not to customize the colors on your Mac?
In the same General settings, you can change the Accent and Highlight colors. It’s a small but cool thing to try if you want to slightly refresh the overall look of your Mac.

Mac Refresh Command

To sum up

It’s not rocket science to make a Mac desktop look better. You may need to spend some time to deal with the stuff on it and make up your own design. But once the job is done, you’ll feel more efficient, clear-headed and satisfied with your Mac.

Refresh Screen On Mac

Even though some may say that a messy desk is a sign of genius, it’s always better to have your workplace neat & tidy. Performing these simple steps will finally get the aesthetic pleasure you deserve. And of course – more productive, organized & happy you, as a positive side effect.